Current projects

Lexicology and lexicography of Lexical Systems


This long-term research enterprise started with my nomination as a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), in 2014, for a five-year project entitled Multidimensional lexicology: theory, construction and exploitation of lexical networks. It targets the theorization, construction and exploitation of new lexical models that are not conceived of as texts, such as paper or electronic dictionaries, but rather as multidimensional lexical networks called Lexical Systems – see the Lexical Systems’ website. Several topics are currently being investigated:

  • lexicography of the French and English Lexical Networks (fr-LN, en-LN);
  • Russian lexicology/lexicography – see the ru-ELC project below;
  • modeling of terminologies within general language lexical networks – FRONTERME and LEGCOD projects on the terminology of chemistry and the Environment.

Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology
of the Russian language (ru-ECL)


ru-ECL is conducted in the context of a partnership between ATILF (Nancy) and CREE–INaLCO (Paris). It targets the construction of the Russian Lexical Network (ru-LN): a Lexical System elaborated according to the same theoretical, descriptive and methodological principles at the French Lexical Network (fr-LN). I am the project main investigator for ATILF and Svetlana Krylosova is the main investigator for CREE–INaLCO.

ItsyBitsy Editor


The ItsyBitsy Editor project aims at replacing the Dicet lexicographic editor (currently used for building Lexical Systems, such as the French Lexical Network) with ItsyBitsy, a new generation editor. ItsyBitsy Editor is funded by the CPER LCHN (Langues, Connaissances & Humanités Numériques) initiative. For details, consult the webpage of the ItsyBitsy Editor project.