
Monographien / Authored books

Herausgeberschaft / Co-edited volumes

Zeitschriftenbeiträge / Journal articles (peer reviewed)

Beiträge in Sammelbänden / Book chapters (peer reviewed)

  • Feldhausen, Ingo, Martin Elsig, Svenja Krieger, Tanja Kupisch & Andrea Pešková (accepted/2025). Grammar. In: Elissa Pustka & Daniel Reimann (Eds.). Manual of Pedagogical Linguistics [Manuals of Romance Linguistics]. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Pešková, Andrea & Ingo Feldhausen (accepted/2025). Suprasegmentals. In: Elissa Pustka & Daniel Reimann (Eds.). Manual of Pedagogical Linguistics [Manuals of Romance Linguistics]. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Pronina, Mariia, Ingo Feldhausen & Pilar Prieto (accepted/2025). Expressivity and Prosody. In: Daniel Gutzmann & Katharina Turgay (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Expressivity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Feldhausen, Ingo (accepted/2025). Romance languages and intonational typology. In: Matthias Heinz, Marc-Olivier Hinzelin & Lorenzo Filipponio (Eds.). Manual of Classification and Typology of the Romance languages [Manuals of Romance Linguistics]. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Write to the author for a copy]
  • Feldhausen, Ingo & Maria del Mar Vanrell (accepted/2025). La interfície fonologia-estructura informativa. In: Clàudia Pons-Moll, Francesc Torres-Tamarit, Maria del Mar Vanrell (Eds.). Manual: La fonologia del Català. Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Feldhausen, Ingo, Hubert Truckenbrodt & Marzena Zygis (accepted/2024). „The Syntax-Prosody Mapping of Coordinated Clauses, Relative Clauses, Parentheticals, and Left-Dislocations“. In: Anton Benz, Werner Frey, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Manfred Krifka, Mathias Schenner & Marzena Żygis (Hrsg.). Handbook on Clausal Embedding. Berlin: Language Science Press.
  • Feldhausen, Ingo & Maria del Mar Vanrell (2024). Focus Realization in Heritage Spanish: The Case of German-dominant Speakers of Peninsular Spanish. In: Rao, Rajiv (Ed.), The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 166-189. doi: [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Feldhausen, Ingo & Izarbe García Sánchez (2023). La enseñanza de la estructura informativa en el español como lengua de herencia: realizando información nueva. In: Marta García García (Ed.). El español como lengua de herencia: retos educativos y perspectivas internacionales. Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 163-181. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Gretenkort, Tobias, Sebastian Buchczyk & Ingo Feldhausen (2023). The Unanswered Question – The Romance Subjunctive. In: Liane Ströbel (Ed.). Cross-linguistic facets of the subjunctive. München: AVM, pp. 17-78. [Write to the authors for a copy]
  • Féry, Caroline & Ingo Feldhausen (2020). Intonation meaning in French. In: Gabriel, Christoph, Andrea Pešková & Maria Selig (Eds.). Contact, variation, and change in Romance and beyond [Studienreihe Romania (StR)]. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, pp. 573-592.
  • Feldhausen, Ingo & Xavier Villalba (2020). „Modality and Information Structure – Focus, Dislocation, Interrogative and Exclamatory Sentences“. In: Joan A. Argenter & Jens Lüdtke (Eds.). Manual of Catalan Linguistics [Manuals of Romance Linguistics]. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 247-269. doi:
  • Vanrell, Maria del Mar, Ingo Feldhausen & Lluisa Astruc (2018). „The Discourse Completion Task: status quo and outlook“. In: Feldhausen, Ingo, Jan Fliessbach & Maria del Mar Vanrell (Eds.). Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective [Studies in Laboratory Phonology (SILP)]. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 191-228. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1441345
  • Feldhausen, Ingo, Jan Fliessbach & Maria del Mar Vanrell (2018). „Introduction“. In: Feldhausen, Ingo, Jan Fließbach & Maria del Mar Vanrell (Eds.). Methods in prosody: A Romance language perspective [Studies in Laboratory Phonology (SILP)]. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. iii-vi. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1441331
  • Feldhausen, Ingo (2016). „The Relation between Prosody and Syntax: The case of different types of Left-Dislocations in Spanish“. In: Armstrong, Meghan, Nicholas Henriksen & Maria del Mar Vanrell (Eds.). Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 6]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 153-180. doi:
  • Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth, Brechtje Post, Mathieu Avanzi, Caroline Buthke, Albert Di Cristo, Ingo Feldhausen, Sun-Ah Jun, Philippe Martin, Trudel Meisenburg, Annie Rialland, Rafèu Sichel-Bazin & Hi-Yon Yoo (2015). „Intonational phonology of French: Developing a ToBI system for French“. In: Frota, Sónia & Pilar Prieto (Eds.). Intonation in Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 63-100. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199685332.003.0003
  • Pešková, Andrea; Ingo Feldhausen; Elena Kireva & Christoph Gabriel (2012). „Diachronic prosody of a contact variety: Analyzing Porteño Spanish spontaneous speech“. In: Braunmüller, Kurt & Christoph Gabriel (Eds.). Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies [Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism 13]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 365-389. doi: 0.1075/hsm.13.24pes
  • Gabriel, Christoph; Ingo Feldhausen & Andrea Pešková (2011). „Prosodic Phrasing in Porteño-Spanish“. In: Gabriel, Christoph & Conxita Lleò (Eds.). Intonational Phrasing in Romance and Germanic: Cross-Linguistic and Bilingual Studies [Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism 10]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 153-182. doi: 10.1075/hsm.10.09gab
  • Pešková, Andrea; Ingo Feldhausen & Christoph Gabriel (2011). „Fraseo prosódico en el español porteño. Evidencia de datos leídos y semi-espontáneos“. In: Di Tullio, Ángela & Rolf Kailuweit (Eds.). El español rioplatense. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert, 77-102.
  • Gabriel, Christoph; Ingo Feldhausen; Andrea Pešková; Laura Colantoni; Su-Ar Lee; Valeria Arana & Leopoldo Labastía (2010). „Argentinian Spanish Intonation“. In: Prieto, Pilar & Paolo Roseano (Eds.). Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish Language. Lincom: München, 285-317.

 Konferenzbeiträge / Conference proceedings (peer reviewed)

Didaktische Arbeiten / didactic work

  • Feldhausen, Ingo, Markus Meyer & Mariola Oleśniewicz (2015). „Das Modell DREI – In Teams erfolgreich sein“. In: Reader zur Fachtagung „Lehr- und Lernformen“, Qualitätspakt Lehre, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 25.-26. Juni 2015, Leipzig, p. 28.
  • Darcy, Isabelle & Ingo Feldhausen (2014). „Das Französische“. In: Krifka, Manfred; Błaszczak, Joanna; Leßmöllmann, Annette; Meinunger, André; Stiebels, Barbara; Tracy, Rosemarie & Truckenbrodt, Hubert (Hrsg.). Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, Kapitel 14, 321-346.
  • (see also García Sánchez & Feldhausen 2016, Feldhausen & Biedebach 2020, and Feldhausen 2021, 2022 in section « Zeitschriften/Journals » and Feldhausen & García Sánchez 2023 in « Book chapters »)

Lexikoneinträge / dictionary entries

  • Feldhausen, Ingo (accepted/2024). Pedagogical Linguistics (« Linguistica pedagogica »). In: Serena, Enrico (Hrsg.). Dizionario dell’italiano L2: insegnamento, apprendimento, ricerca.  Pisa: Pacini.
  • Feldhausen, Ingo (accepted/2024). Romance Pedagogical Linguistics (« Linguistica pedagogica romanza »). In: Serena, Enrico (Hrsg.). Dizionario dell’italiano L2: insegnamento, apprendimento, ricerca.  Pisa: Pacini.

Working papers

Weitere Arbeiten / Further work

  • Gabriel, Christoph, Ingo Feldhausen, Andrea Pešková, Laura Colantoni, Su-Ar Lee, Valeria Arana, Leopoldo Labastía, Bettiana Blásquez, Alejandra Dabrowski & Mónica Vàsquez (2009-2010). „Español argentino: Buenos Aires”. In: Prieto, Pilar & Paolo Roseano (coord.). Atlas interactivo de la entonación del español. (Bereitstellung eines Korpus)
  • Feldhausen, Ingo (2007). „The Relation of Obviation and Control: Subjunctives and Infinitives in Spanish“. Unpublished Ms. ZAS, Berlin.